cryptogenic organizing pneumonia
Medical Definition
Bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia (boop) is and interstitial lung abnormalitiy characterized histopathologically by plugs of granulation tissue lying within small airways, alveolar ducts, and alveoli and by chronic inflammatory cell infiltration in alveolar walls. patients with boop generally present with subacute illness, including shortness of breath, fever, malaise, and weight loss. [hpo_contributor:ddd_tkuijpers,, pmid:20858818]
Wikipedia Summary
Cryptogenic organizing pneumonia (COP), formerly known as bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia (BOOP), is an inflammation of the bronchioles (bronchiolitis) and surrounding tissue in the lungs. It is a form of idiopathic interstitial pneumonia.
It is often a complication of an existing chronic inflammatory disease such as rheumatoid arthritis, dermatomyositis, or it can be a side effect of certain medications such as amiodarone...
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